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Providing Care at Chaffey Aged Care

Working With Us


Chaffey is proud that our staff choose to have long and fulfilling careers with us.


We provide excellent learning and development opportunities and most importantly flexible benefits that allow you to balance your personal and professional priorities.

Careers at Chaffey

To apply for a position with Chaffey Aged Care, the preferred and quickest way for us to receive and register your application is to complete our online employment application form by clicking on the Apply Now Bution for the vacancy to which you are applying and submitting the relevant information as indicated.


Our online Employment Application requires the following to be completed and submitted:


  • Employment Application (click on the APPLY NOW button to access)

  • Resume / Curriculum Vitae to be uploaded along with a covering

  • Statement addressing the Key Selection Criteria in the relevant Position Description


The Employment Application form identifies the position you are applying for, personal contact details, information about your education and qualifications, employment history and asks you to identify two referees.


It is a requirement under the Aged Care Act that all aged and community care employees complete a Criminal History Check form prior to commencing employment. This information is forwarded to an authorised Australian body who are responsible for identifying any criminal offences and notifying Chaffey Aged Care accordingly. Only successful applicants will be required to undergo a National Police check or equivalent and/or provide a current certificate.


In addition, all applicants interview for positions with Chaffey Aged will be required to complete a Statutory Declaration form certifying that since the age of 16 they have not been convicted of murder or sexual assault and/or convicted of, and/or sentenced to imprisonment for any other form of assault.


Should you wish to post or fax your application, please complete the employment application form and submit this together with a copy of your current resume and a covering statement that addresses the Key Selection Criteria in the relevant Position Description.

Volunteers at Chaffey

Without Volunteers, Chaffey Aged Care would not be the vibrant community that it is.  Our volunteers are part of our fabric and perform a wide range of roles to ensure we can meet our goal of making a difference to every resident every day.


There is a volunteering role to suit everyone!!


Think you’re too busy? It’s not about how much time you can give, it’s about the quality you can deliver in the time you can afford.


Don’t think you have the expertise?  That’s ok, we promise that we can find you a role that you are comfortable and confident providing, where you can help make each day great for our residents.


So why not get in touch today and find out how you can make a difference.

Board of Directors

Chaffey Aged Care is managed by a voluntary Board of Directors, which consists of up to nine members who are representatives of the wider community.  


The board plays a pivotal role in the facility; with Directors often being specialists within their own field of work, providing strong skill sets to be able to provide support to the Chaffey Management Team towards a sustainable organisation through leadership, innovation and best practice.


The Board of Director roles are currently held by the following community members:


Chair - Angela Gransden

Deputy-Chair - Linda Henderson

Treasurer - Neale Bennett

General Members

Graeme Worthington & Phil Endley 

Company Secretary - Linda Henderson


Looking for a career with an aged care provider who does things a little different?

Chaffey is committed to employing motivated and passionate staff who are capable of positively influencing others with a strong sense of community and passion for Aged Care to fulfil our vision, values and strategic objectives. 

An application must be made through the link below.

Registered  & Enrolled Nurse

Full-Time / Part Time

The Registered Nurse (RN) and Enrolled Nurses, work as dynamic leaders, overseeing the health outcomes of care recipients under the direction of the Clinical Operations Manager and Director Aged Services; The Registered Nurse is expected to work in accordance with the philosophy and objectives of the facility to provide a service to our Care Recipients that meets their personal care and social requirements. Our Nursing teams will demonstrate excellent time management, energy and a passion for consumer-directed care and the ability to implement appropriate clinical responses.

Position Description: Registered Nurse

Position Description: Endorsed Enrolled Nurse

Personal Care Assistant

Our Personal Care Assistants work to support the outcomes and activities of daily living for our care recipients. Exceptional customer service is a must, along with excellent communication skills and the ability to prioritise the competing needs of others. Our Personal Carer's need to be great team players with a can-do attitude. 

Position Description: Personal Care Assistant

Interested applicants may complete an application online now - Click on the Apply Now button below.

Environmental Services Assistant

Interested applicants may complete an application online now.

Position Description: Environmental Services

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