Chaffey Aged Care

Care Types
Chaffey Aged Care provides care that is responsive to the needs of individuals.
Through our ‘Person Centred Model of Care’ our service delivery is flexible so that residents can live their life as close as possible to how they did in the community. We aim to create an environment of homeliness with a variety of social activities for fun, fitness and socialisation. All care is both best practice and evidence based.
Chaffey encourages consultation with, and the participation of residents, family and friends or representatives in making decisions about resident care.
Permanent Care
If you are looking for permanent care in a residential aged care home, we can explain the often complicated Australian aged care system to you, go through the detail of fees and other complex issues and then discuss the various care and accommodation options that may be appropriate.
Chaffey Aged Care offers a large spacious residential home which began it's life in 2007 and two major construction projects later - most recently in 2017, we offer a Residential Aged Care setting with a 100 bed capacity, offering all aspects of residential aged care accommodation, dementia care and palliative care. We are known and respected as one of the leading residential aged care service in Sunraysia.
Permanent Care enables you to live in a secure environment and be provided with 24 hour care catering to your individual needs. Chaffey becomes your home. As a permanent resident you are also entitled to 52 days of social leave per year which enables you also to leave the facility and stay overnight at another location perhaps with your family or friends. As a permanent resident of Chaffey you can have direct input into your care and the things that directly effect you in the home. Your input is both valued and welcomed.
Respite Care
At Chaffey Aged Care, we understand that being a Carer can be extremely demanding and often physically and emotionally draining. As a Carer, it is important to consider your own health and wellbeing so that you do not become ill or exhausted yourself.
Respite Care offers the opportunity for both the Carer, and the person being cared for, to take a break. Respite care may also be useful on a planned or emergency basis to help with Carer stress, illness, holidays or those times when the carer for other reasons may be unable to provide care. If you need Respite Care you may be interested to find out more about what Chaffey can offer by making an enquiry.
Chaffey Aged Care is able to offer respite care for anyone with ACAT approval. Those eligible for respite are able to apply for up to 63 days respite every financial year. At Chaffey the minimum respite stay is two weeks generally.
Palliative Care
Chaffey provides a comfortable physical, spiritual and emotional environment for delivering care during the end stages of life. We respect your right to stay in the home surrounded by your loving family and friends. Clinical care is provided by a multi-disciplinary team of health professionals to ensure the most comfortable and dignified palliative pathway respecting every residents advanced care plan wishes are met.
Dementia Care
Chaffey aims to provide a safe and secure living environment for those with a diagnosis of Dementia and or Alzheimers. We will discuss what we are able to provide upon enquiry. We do not currently have a Dementia Specific Specialist Unit.
Waiting Lists
To ensure that your details are added to our waiting list for either respite or permanent placement or both, please complete the enquiry form on the Contact Us section of this website or call the facility and request an information summary and application to be emailed or mailed to your preferred address. Once on our waiting list and you have received a confirmation from us we recommend you remain in contact with us each month or at least every three months to confirm your interest and to discuss your changing care needs . When a bed becomes available we will notify you and make an offer of a place within our home once you have communicated you are ready to proceed..